The “Upshot”, an arm of the New York Times, used census data to look at where college graduates are moving among 41 metro areas.

Notably, nine of the top 10 cities gaining the most college graduates are in the Sun Belt. Here’s that ranking, and their gain in tens of thousands of graduates:

1. Austin: 41k
2. Phoenix: 23k
3. Houston: 19K
4. Denver: 17k
5. Nashville: 16k
6. Dallas: 15k
7. Las Vegas: 13k
8. Jacksonville, 11k
9. Boston, 11k
10. Charlotte: 9k.

Boston, the only northern city, and the college capital of the country, ties with Jacksonville, a Navy town. The lesson here is that while eds and meds are important, Covid and telecommuting have freed up talent to move where there’s a more affordable quality of life.